Monday, June 24, 2024



05 JUNE 2024

      Department of Zoology & Bio-Diversity Club


In celebration of World Environment Day 2024, The Department of Zoology in collaboration with Bio-Diversity Club, undertook a significant initiative to promote environmental conservation and biodiversity on 5th June 2024. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Sharmila P.P, former Principal, TKMM College, Nangiarkulangara in the presence of Dr. Rajeev S.R (Principal-in -Charge), teachers and students from all departments.  The event focused on two primary activities: the eradication of invasive plant species already identified in the campus during our National workshop on Invasive Species - Monitoring and Management   and the planting of native trees across the campus. 

 The event commenced with a briefing session on impact of invasive plants on local ecosystems. It highlighted how these plants outcompete native species, reduce biodiversity, and alter habitats. Armed with gloves and gardening tools, participants, including students and faculty divided into teams to manually remove invasive plants from designated areas on the campus. This hands-on activity was both educational and productive, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental stewardship.

Following the removal of invasive species, the focus shifted to restoring the campus greenery. Native tree saplings, chosen for their ecological benefits and suitability to the local climate, were planted. Instructions on proper planting techniques and aftercare were provided to ensure the healthy growth of the trees. The event saw enthusiastic participation from the entire family of Department of Zoology. They  volunteered and eager to contribute to the environment and gain practical experience..


·         Environmental Impact: considerable number of invasive plants were successfully removed, making way for native flora to thrive. Additionally,  native trees were planted, contributing to the campus’s biodiversity and providing future benefits such as shade, carbon sequestration, and habitat for wildlife.

·         Educational Value: Participants gained hands-on experience in ecological management and tree planting, enhancing their knowledge and commitment to environmental sustainability.

·         Community Building: The event fostered a sense of community and shared responsibility among participants, strengthening the campus’s environmental network and laying the groundwork for future initiatives.

   The Environment Day celebration was a resounding success, achieving its dual goals of eradicating invasive plants and promoting tree planting. The collective effort of students and faculty not only improved the campus environment but also instilled a lasting appreciation for ecological conservation. Moving forward, the campus plans to monitor the growth of the newly planted trees and continue efforts to maintain biodiversity and environmental health.






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