Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Participation of S5 Chemistry students in Pre-Conclave 

"Generative AI: Modern Magic or Dangerous Future"

@ College of Applied Science, Karthikapally (25 September 2023)

    The students of S5 Chemistry of TKMM College actively participated in the pre-conclave event titled "Generative AI: Modern Magic or Dangerous Future" on the 25th of September 2023 at the College of Applied Science, Karthikapally. This event aimed to explore the fascinating world of Generative Artificial Intelligence and its potential implications for the future.

The event featured a series of lectures and workshops led by experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence. These sessions delved into the fundamentals of Generative AI, its applications across various industries, and the ethical considerations associated with its rapid advancement.

The S5 Chemistry students actively engaged in the event, attending lectures, asking questions, and participating in interactive discussions. Their enthusiasm and curiosity added a dynamic element to the proceedings. A key highlight of the event was the opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience with AI tools and technologies. Workshops provided practical insights into how AI algorithms generate content, from text to images, and the potential creative and innovative uses.

The event also facilitated networking opportunities, allowing students to connect with professionals and peers interested in the AI field. These connections can prove invaluable for future collaborations and career prospects.

The participation of S5 Chemistry students in the pre-conclave event "Generative AI: Modern Magic or Dangerous Future" at the College of Applied Science, Karthikapally, was a commendable effort to explore the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence. The event not only offered valuable insights into the potential of Generative AI but also raised awareness about the ethical and societal considerations associated with its application. By actively engaging in the discussions, lectures, and workshops, the students demonstrated their commitment to staying informed about cutting-edge technologies that have the potential to shape the future. Their participation in such events enhances their knowledge and prepares them for a world increasingly influenced by AI. We extend our appreciation to the College of Applied Science, Karthikapally, for organizing this enlightening pre-conclave event. The active participation of S5 Chemistry students and their thirst for knowledge showcase the institution's commitment to nurturing informed and engaged individuals.

 NSS Pre-RD District Level Selection - Kerala University

On the 26th September 2023, a significant event took place at T.K. Madhava Memorial College, Nangiarkulangara, as it played host to the NSS (National Service Scheme) Pre-RD (Republic Day) District Level Selection for the enthusiastic volunteers hailing from Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts. This event held special importance as it aimed to identify and recognize the most deserving candidates to represent their districts at the state level.

The selection process was rigorous and multifaceted, with a focus on evaluating various aspects of the volunteers' potential and capabilities. The primary criteria for selection were based on physical fitness, cultural talents, and overall personality traits, including good communication skills. This holistic approach aimed to identify well-rounded individuals who could serve as exemplary ambassadors of the NSS and contribute effectively to community service.

The event featured a demonstration of a parade by Senior NCC cadet, S Jishnu. This parade served not only as a visual spectacle but also as an opportunity for the students to learn and observe the art of marching and coordination. Subsequently, the volunteers' parade and running capacity were put to the test, assessing their physical fitness and ability to work together as a cohesive unit.

Smt. Preetha MV (Former NSS Programme Officer and Assistant Professor of History), Smt. Sarsha TS (Assistant Professor of English) and Smt. Sheeja S (Assistant Professor of Economics on Contract) evaluated the cultural talents  and the overall personality of the volunteers. The inclusion of such diverse and experienced evaluators ensured a fair and comprehensive assessment of the candidates, giving them the opportunity to showcase their talents and qualities beyond their physical fitness.

The NSS Pre-RD District Level Selection event not only served as a platform for identifying exceptional volunteers but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition among participants. It highlighted the NSS's commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who can make a meaningful impact on society through community service. The selected volunteers will go on to represent their districts with pride and dedication, embodying the spirit of NSS and contributing to the betterment of their communities and the nation as a whole.

 A helping hand to our alumni: A 'Karuthal' 

Initiative by Department of Zoology

As part of the 'Karuthal' philanthropic initiative, which was launched on the auspicious occasion of celebrating Mr. Vellapally Natesan's 25th year of dedicated service as the Manager of SN Trusts, the Department of Zoology embarked on a substantial fundraising campaign with a noble cause in mind: to support the medical treatment of Mr. Manu Venugopal, a former Zoology student of TKMMC (2003-06). Mr. Venugopal is currently battling acute myeloid leukemia and is undergoing medical treatment at Believer's Hospital in Thiruvalla. His surgery is scheduled for the 28th of September, 2023.

Dr. S. Sheela, the Head of the Department of Zoology, along with other faculty members and students, initiated this fundraising campaign with great enthusiasm and a shared commitment to assist Mr. Venugopal in his time of need.

What makes this endeavour particularly touching is the heartwarming display of unity and gratitude shown by former students of the Department of Zoology at TKMMC. Guided by the compassionate leadership of our former Principal, Dr. Sherly P. Anand, and Prof. Sheela P.,  former Associate Professor of Botany, these alumni extended a generous contribution to the cause.

Furthermore, the principal of TKMMC, Dr. P. P. Sharmila, and teachers from various other departments joined hands in solidarity and actively participated in the fundraising efforts. Their collective dedication and commitment resulted in the collection of a substantial amount totaling ₹37,000.


This inspiring example of altruism and unity demonstrates the incredible impact that a community can have when it comes together to support a fellow member in need. It reaffirms the values of compassion and philanthropy that lie at the heart of 'Karuthal' and exemplifies the ethos of SN Trusts in serving and assisting those facing challenges in their lives. This noble initiative brought together a diverse group, including teachers, the principal, and students of TKMMC, to engage in acts of philanthropy and goodwill.


 Blood Donation Camp

[National Service Scheme (Unit No 39 A & B) 26 September 2023]

The NSS-TKMMC, in collaboration with HDFC Bank, Haripad and T. D. Medical College, Vandanam, organized a blood donation camp on 26th September 2023. This event was conducted in commemoration of NSS Observance Day and as part of the Manava Maiytri week, which spanned from 24th September 2023 to 3rd October 2023. The primary objective of this event was to promote voluntary blood donation and raise awareness about its importance.

The program was formally inaugurated by Mr. Adarsh K, Branch Head of HDFC Bank Haripad. His presence underscored the bank's commitment to social responsibility. Dr. Jessy, a representative from T.D. Medical College, graced the occasion and shared invaluable insights regarding the blood donation process and its profound impact on saving lives.

The blood donation camp started with an informative awareness program designed to educate participants about the significance of blood donation and the procedures involved. The session played a pivotal role in dispelling myths and misconceptions about blood donation, thereby alleviating any fear or hesitancy among potential donors. The awareness class served as an interactive platform where participants could ask questions and seek clarifications. This open dialogue fostered a supportive environment and encouraged more individuals to participate in the blood donation drive.

 A total of more than 60 volunteers and faculty members from the college actively participated in the camp, reflecting a strong community spirit. Among them, 45 volunteers demonstrated their commitment to this noble cause by donating blood. It is worth noting that not all volunteers were eligible to donate blood due to specific health criteria. Some individuals were unable to participate due to insufficient vital parameters for blood donation. This underlines the importance of ensuring the safety of both donors and recipients in the donation process.

The organizers extend their heartfelt gratitude to all the volunteers, HDFC Bank Haripad, and T.D. Medical College, Vandanam, for their invaluable support and participation in making this blood donation camp a remarkable success. Their collective efforts have undoubtedly made a difference in the lives of those in need. It achieved its primary goal of promoting voluntary blood donation and raising awareness about the lifesaving impact of this selfless act. The active involvement of the community, along with the informative sessions, contributed to making the event meaningful and impactful.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

 Ozone Awareness festivities

Department of Zoology (16 September 2023)

        Ozone, a molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms (O3), plays a critical role in our atmosphere. Its distribution in the atmosphere varies, leading to different effects and classifications. Stratospheric ozone, often referred to as "good" ozone, acts as a shield against harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. In contrast, ground-level ozone, or "bad" ozone, is created from pollutants and can pose health risks to humans, plants, and animals. This report delves into the importance of ozone in the atmosphere and also highlights a unique event organized by S1 students from the Department of Zoology at the college entrance on September 16, 2023.

 The Good Ozone: Stratospheric Ozone

        Stratospheric ozone resides in the Earth's stratosphere, primarily within the ozone layer. Its most significant role is to absorb and block a portion of the Sun's biologically harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, particularly UV-B and UV-C rays. This protective shield prevents excessive UV radiation from reaching the Earth's surface, thereby safeguarding life on our planet.

     The detrimental effects of excessive UV radiation include skin cancer, cataracts, and damage to marine ecosystems, among others. Stratospheric ozone depletion, largely due to human-made substances like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), has raised concerns over the years. However, international efforts, such as the Montreal Protocol, have been successful in reducing the production of ozone-depleting substances, allowing the ozone layer to recover slowly.

 The Bad Ozone: Ground-Level Ozone

    Ground-level ozone, also known as tropospheric ozone, is formed when pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react in the presence of sunlight. It is often associated with smog and is considered "bad" ozone because of its harmful effects on human health, vegetation, and wildlife. Ground-level ozone can cause or exacerbate respiratory problems, decrease crop yields, and damage forests and ecosystems.

 The Beneficial Role of Ozone Near the Surface

        While ground-level ozone is generally harmful, ozone near the Earth's surface in the lower atmosphere can play a beneficial role. Ozone acts as a natural air purifier, helping to remove pollutants such as particulate matter and VOCs from the atmosphere. This cleansing effect contributes to improved air quality in urban and industrial areas.

Flash Mob by S1 Students from the Department of Zoology

    On September 16, 2023, S1 students from the Department of Zoology organized a flash mob at the college entrance. While seemingly unrelated to ozone, this event served as a creative and engaging way to raise awareness about environmental issues, including the importance of ozone protection.

     The flash mob featured dance performances and displays of colorful banners with slogans emphasizing the significance of preserving the ozone layer and reducing pollution. The students' enthusiastic participation drew the attention of both college attendees and passersby, effectively conveying the message that every individual can contribute to environmental conservation.


        Ozone, whether found in the stratosphere as "good" ozone or at ground level as "bad" ozone, plays a vital role in our planet's health. While stratospheric ozone shields us from harmful UV radiation, ground-level ozone can have detrimental effects on human health and the environment. Efforts to reduce emissions of ozone-depleting substances and air pollutants are crucial in maintaining a healthy atmosphere.

         The flash mob organized by S1 students from the Department of Zoology serves as a reminder that environmental awareness and action can take various forms, even in unexpected places like a college entrance. By understanding the importance of ozone protection and actively engaging in environmental initiatives, we can contribute to a healthier planet for current and future generations.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

 Inter-Departmental Quiz Competition "Quiz Time"

Post Graduate Department of Chemistry (14 September 2023)

    The Post Graduate Department of Chemistry at T. K. M. M. College, Nangiarkulangra, organized an Inter-Departmental Quiz Competition titled "Quiz Time" on September 14, 2023, at 2:00 PM in the Seminar Hall. The event witnessed active participation from various departments within the college, including both graduate and postgraduate students. A total of eleven teams representing different departments of the college enthusiastically participated in the competition. These teams comprised students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

    The competition was structured in two rounds. Initially, there was a preliminary elimination round in which all participating teams competed. Following this, five top-performing teams were selected to advance to the final round. The competition was judged by two esteemed faculty members:

·                Dr. Vinod Haridas, Associate Professor, Department of Botany.

·                Dr. Smitha T.R., HoD & Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry.

    The entire event was efficiently coordinated by the first semester MSc Chemistry students. Rahul Devarajan, Alisha Hasna, and Aswathy Anil from the first semester MSc Chemistry program took on the role of quiz masters, ensuring the smooth execution of the competition.

    The quiz competition was keenly contested, and the winners of "Quiz Time" were as follows:

·        First Prize: Ambadi Aravind and Dinil Muhammed from the Department of Mathematics.

·        Second Prize: Adheeni K. A. and Aswani Jyothi K. A. from the PG Department of Chemistry.

·            Third Prize: Malini and Abhay Anand from the Department of Zoology.

    In the concluding session, Dr. P. P. Sharmila, the Principal of T.K.M.M. College, extended her congratulations to all the participants for their active involvement in the competition. She also distributed prizes to the winners. Dr. Smitha T.R., Assistant Professor, and Head of the Department of Chemistry, expressed her gratitude to everyone involved, including the participants, judges, coordinators, quiz masters, and the audience for making the event a success.

    The "Quiz Time" not only provided an engaging platform for students from diverse academic backgrounds to showcase their knowledge and quick thinking but also promoted a healthy spirit of competition and camaraderie among the various departments of T. K. M. M. College, Nangiarkulangra. The event was an immense success, fostering intellectual growth and academic engagement among the college community.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

 Congratulations to Jithin Jayan, II MCom, on being

provisionally selected for the Kerala netball coaching camp!

This is a fantastic achievement, and it reflects your dedication and skill in the sport. We, at TKMMC, wish you the best of luck as you continue to hone your netball skills and represent our state in the coaching camp. Keep up the great work!

 International Coastal Cleanup Day 2023

Department of Zoology (16 September 2023) 

      The Department of Zoology at T. K. Madhava Memorial College, in collaboration with the Ocean Society of India's Cochin chapter, orchestrated a significant beach cleaning initiative on September 16, 2023, in commemoration of World Ocean Day. The event took place at Thrikunnapuzha Beach, Alappuzha District, Kerala, and aimed to underscore the importance of preserving our coastal areas and ocean ecosystems.

The program commenced with the gracious presence of Sri. Ratheesh Kumar, Sub Inspector of Police Thrikunnapuzha, who inaugurated the event. His presence symbolized the support and involvement of local law enforcement agencies in environmental conservation.

The event garnered the esteemed presence of several distinguished personalities who graced the occasion with their participation and offered words of encouragement and support:

·        Sri. Vinod Kumar, the Thrikunnapuzha Gramapanchayath President, lent his support and leadership to the event.

·        Smt. Jaya P.V, the Headmistress of M.U.U.P School Arattupuzha, added an educational perspective to the initiative, emphasizing the importance of environmental education in schools.

·        Smt. Lanju Satheesan, a respected Ward Member, extended her support, reinforcing the community's role in preserving the coastal environment.

·        Sri Arun Kumar, the diligent Village Extension Officer, recognized the local government's commitment to environmental stewardship.

·        Prof. P. Sreemon, the former Head of the Department of Zoology at TK Madhava Memorial College, brought his academic expertise to the event.

 ·        P Sudheesh Babu, a dedicated member of KILA, showcased the involvement of governmental institutions in environmental initiatives.

These esteemed guests conveyed their best wishes and expressed heartfelt appreciation for the initiative, emphasizing its importance for the community and the environment.

 Dr. Sheela S, the Head of the Zoology Department, extended a warm and heartfelt welcome to all participants. In her address, she passionately highlighted the critical significance of preserving our coastal areas and the fragile ecosystems that thrive within our oceans. Her words resonated with a deep sense of responsibility and commitment to environmental conservation.

Expressing gratitude on behalf of the organizing committee, Dr. Moly B, Assistant Professor on contract, delivered the vote of thanks. Her words of appreciation acknowledged the invaluable contributions of all participants, supporters, and partners who made the event a resounding success. 

Participant Diversity

One of the most remarkable aspects of the beach cleaning activity was the diverse spectrum of participants. A total of 95 individuals enthusiastically joined hands in the cleaning drive. This diverse group included students, members of the public, dedicated police officers, vigilant coastguards, elected representatives, members of the Harithakarmasena, and the industrious Kudumbasree unit. This unity in diversity embodied the shared commitment to safeguarding our oceans and coastal environments.


The beach cleaning activity organized by the Department of Zoology at T. K. Madhava Memorial College, with the strong support of the Ocean Society of India Cochin Chapter, on World Ocean Day was a definite success. It symbolized a collaborative effort involving the academic community, local government, law enforcement, and concerned citizens to protect and preserve our natural heritage.

This event serves as an inspiring example of how communities can unite for a common cause, emphasizing the need to preserve and restore our oceans and coastal areas. The spirit of environmental stewardship that permeated this initiative will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the community's commitment to ocean conservation.

                        Media- Malayala Manorama Daily on 18-09-2023

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