Tuesday, September 26, 2023

 Ozone Awareness festivities

Department of Zoology (16 September 2023)

        Ozone, a molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms (O3), plays a critical role in our atmosphere. Its distribution in the atmosphere varies, leading to different effects and classifications. Stratospheric ozone, often referred to as "good" ozone, acts as a shield against harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. In contrast, ground-level ozone, or "bad" ozone, is created from pollutants and can pose health risks to humans, plants, and animals. This report delves into the importance of ozone in the atmosphere and also highlights a unique event organized by S1 students from the Department of Zoology at the college entrance on September 16, 2023.

 The Good Ozone: Stratospheric Ozone

        Stratospheric ozone resides in the Earth's stratosphere, primarily within the ozone layer. Its most significant role is to absorb and block a portion of the Sun's biologically harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, particularly UV-B and UV-C rays. This protective shield prevents excessive UV radiation from reaching the Earth's surface, thereby safeguarding life on our planet.

     The detrimental effects of excessive UV radiation include skin cancer, cataracts, and damage to marine ecosystems, among others. Stratospheric ozone depletion, largely due to human-made substances like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), has raised concerns over the years. However, international efforts, such as the Montreal Protocol, have been successful in reducing the production of ozone-depleting substances, allowing the ozone layer to recover slowly.

 The Bad Ozone: Ground-Level Ozone

    Ground-level ozone, also known as tropospheric ozone, is formed when pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react in the presence of sunlight. It is often associated with smog and is considered "bad" ozone because of its harmful effects on human health, vegetation, and wildlife. Ground-level ozone can cause or exacerbate respiratory problems, decrease crop yields, and damage forests and ecosystems.

 The Beneficial Role of Ozone Near the Surface

        While ground-level ozone is generally harmful, ozone near the Earth's surface in the lower atmosphere can play a beneficial role. Ozone acts as a natural air purifier, helping to remove pollutants such as particulate matter and VOCs from the atmosphere. This cleansing effect contributes to improved air quality in urban and industrial areas.

Flash Mob by S1 Students from the Department of Zoology

    On September 16, 2023, S1 students from the Department of Zoology organized a flash mob at the college entrance. While seemingly unrelated to ozone, this event served as a creative and engaging way to raise awareness about environmental issues, including the importance of ozone protection.

     The flash mob featured dance performances and displays of colorful banners with slogans emphasizing the significance of preserving the ozone layer and reducing pollution. The students' enthusiastic participation drew the attention of both college attendees and passersby, effectively conveying the message that every individual can contribute to environmental conservation.


        Ozone, whether found in the stratosphere as "good" ozone or at ground level as "bad" ozone, plays a vital role in our planet's health. While stratospheric ozone shields us from harmful UV radiation, ground-level ozone can have detrimental effects on human health and the environment. Efforts to reduce emissions of ozone-depleting substances and air pollutants are crucial in maintaining a healthy atmosphere.

         The flash mob organized by S1 students from the Department of Zoology serves as a reminder that environmental awareness and action can take various forms, even in unexpected places like a college entrance. By understanding the importance of ozone protection and actively engaging in environmental initiatives, we can contribute to a healthier planet for current and future generations.

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